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Jargon Explained

There are some IT terms that can seem alien at first

Fear not, below is an easy guide to explain what means what


Comptia are basically like the DVLA in terms of being the “association” that will give you your IT driving licence equivalent. You need to have a Comptia qualification to show you know the basics of IT. All employers and recruiters will want this before they offer you your first job in IT.

CompTIA is the Computing Technology Industry Association. It’s a non-profit trade association which issues professional certifications for the information technology industry. It is considered one of the IT industry’s top trade associations


Cisco are the world leader in IT, Networking and Cyber Security solutions. They are so big and so good that they provide the world’s leading courses as well. How are they so big? Every time you connect to your router for your internet or connect to wifi on your phone or tablet you are using switches and wireless access points in networking. The anti virus packages you buy to protect your computer or laptop also already give you a brief insight into cyber security.


Windows is the operating system used by Microsoft. It powers the majority of computers and allows you to use the internet, open programmes such as Excel and Word to even playing games or using paint or the calculator. There are various versions of windows operating systems. Each windows operating system will differ slightly. The newer the windows operating system the easier it should be to navigate your way across your desktop or laptop. Imagine windows as opening a book and seeing the index at the front allowing you to flip to which chapter you wish to look at.


IOS is the opposite of Windows. IOS is an operating system used for mobile and tablet devices manufactured by Apple: iPads and iPhones to be specific. IOS doesn’t allow any programme to be installed onto it unless it is bought through it’s Apple store as an “App”. This is a big plus for Apple in terms of security as every App must be screened and approved by them. As a result Apple claim they don’t have to worry about virus’s getting into its phones or tablets. They are correct as you won’t find any anti-virus software being sold for Apple products.

Cyber Security

Cyber security should need no introduction. Programming and coding was all the rage twenty years ago and everyone was getting in on it. Now it’s all about Cyber Security and of course why we list it as one of our packages under IT Certify Cyber Specialist. Cyber Security in it’s simplest form is protecting your hardware (physical computer components ie Hard Drive) and your software (ie programmes such as Outlook email) from being “hacked” which is a tech term for being burgled. If you think about it every year more and more of our daily life is being controlled by computers and tech and that means more risk and more cyber security needed. If you thought getting your emails hacked was worrying, what about getting your driverless car hacked in ten years time? Scary isn’t it. That’s why Cyber Security is not simply becoming important, but essential to daily life.

Distance Learning

Distance learning, Open learning, online learning are all terms for being able to work anywhere whether it be a home, office, internet café or on a beach. As long as you have internet access you are good to go. All IT Certify packages fall under distance learning. You can access them anywhere and any time. Be your own boss and complete them whenever you want.


Think of a network as a bridge. One of the most common and easiest to imagine is computers connecting to a shared network. In a shared network you can all access folders which contain shared information. Everyone can add info to the folders, delete or edit. You can gain access to the folders via cable or WiFi. Another essential when it comes to a career in IT with constant demand due to constant supply. This is why we offer the IT Certify Network Specialist package so that you can start your career easily and quickly in IT.


When we talk about IT Certify packages we offer six months access and twelve months access. The access times offered differ purely based on how much access time we think you need to complete the courses with each package offered. The IT Certify Pro and IT Certify Plus packages only need six months access as you have less subjects to study. The IT Certify Network Specialist and IT Certify Cyber Specialist have more subjects to study which is why we offer twelve months access.

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